Thinking of our dear friends and colleagues.

Please know that updating this list electronically is the most efficient way to keep you connected. If we have missed any names, please let us know by emailing

We honor those who have left us in 2025. 

John Abitz

We honor those who have left us in 2024.

Homer Vick
Lois Logan
Burnetta Cummins
Robert Kucharski
Marvin Patterson
David Maresh
Dixie Stevens
Roger Mcculley
Algene Krause
Delbert Wulf
Thomas Simmons
Wayne Eggers
Ronald A York
Gary Pascoe
Eugene Smith
Ronald Berg
Wilbur Miller
Donald Norenberg
Alice Ogbourne
Verlin Schmitz
Joann Sweeney
Darlene Shay
Leo Udee
Donald Piepenburg
Virginia Rippl
Howard Rathke
Roger Clarke
Virginia Drinkall
Diane Sievers
Daryl Anderson
Paul Bartley
Dale Hoffmann
James Faulkner
Jacob Wonderlich
George Maxwell
John Behrens
Duane DeWalle