If you are over 65 and on the Via Benefits medical plan,  visit my.viabenefits.com/alliantenergy or call Via Benefits at 1-866-249-7784 to receive a Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement form to have your Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) reimbursements sent to the correct bank account.

If you are under 65, and using our health plan and other benefits, please contact the Alliant Energy Benefits Service Center at 1-888-850-1799 or visit their website, myalliantenergybenefits.com.

If you receive pension payments through Wells Fargo and need to update the bank account for direct deposit, contact Your Pension Care Team at Willis Towers Watson to update your information. Call 1-844-808-9007 or visit their secure website at eepoint.towerswatson.com/sites/alliant/ess.

If you receive pension payments through Principal Financial, please call them at 1-800-247-7011 and ask for their change request form.